In mid-September, two of my daughters came for a visit. One of them stayed for the weekend and the other stayed a whole week. For that week, we spent a few days away from home in the cooler mountains, a refreshing change from our still triple digit temperatures in the desert.
We had so much fun. Our daughter brought her bearded dragon, Sassy, and we introduced him to the lakes and rivers in the area. He enjoyed climbing from her lap to mine and peering out the window as we traveled the dusty back roads.
Our cabin was very quiet, and we took walks in the woods. We saw wildlife, including deer and the cutest little squirrel. I can’t tell you how refreshing this was for me. I believe my husband and daughter felt the same way. The wind in the trees and the sound of water running in the small creek near us, combined to create an atmosphere of peace, one where connecting to God was so much easier than the hectic pace at home.
In Matthew 14, we read the story of the beheading of John the Baptist. When Jesus heard what happened, He climbed in a boat to get away. But, the crowds heard and followed him so that when he stepped ashore they were there. He healed their sick and ministered to them, then fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish.
All he wanted was time away, but Jesus had such compassion for the people, He still helped them. After they ate, he had the disciples go on across the water in a boat, while He dismissed the crowds. Jesus went off to be by himself for much needed time alone. A time to pray and listen to God.
What an example this is to us. How often in recent months have life events become overwhelming? We are stretched thin and pulled on from all sides. Perhaps we can’t all get away for a few days or hours respite, but we can take time during the day or at the end of the day, to be alone with God. To listen to what He needs to say. To feel the comfort of His peace.
Take time today. Even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes. I’ve done that when I had lots of kids at home. (Smile) Think about the place that refreshes you whether a mountain setting or ocean waves lapping at a beach. Take time to thank God. Just thank Him. And then sit quiet and listen. You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for sharing Nancy. I enjoyed this message. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your new book. Read it in a day and a half. I really loved the characters.
Marilou Kenens Warden (Indiana relative🥰)
Thank you, Marilou. I’m glad you enjoyed the blog post and the book. And, that you took time to say so. Blessings to you. I’ll see you next time I’m in Indiana, I hope.
You write so beautifully, Nancy. I felt I was with you by your description of the get away with your family in the mountains. I live the way you bring Jesus in as well – thank you!
Thank you, Paulette. It means so much that you took the time to comment.